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About Toby.

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  • Birthday 14/06/2000

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  1. A true soldier accepting defeat. Dignity intact, something that can't be said for Quinn ?
  2. Yes I agree, discord is a good platform to grow a community, but for a community to grow and gain new players it must have something drawing them in e.g. a game. Unfortunately, there is few games these days that people actually join a community while playing the game. Furthermore, people who want the community to grow are most of the time if not always doing nothing at all to help Conor or cheese out when they are attempting to create a new server for a game. Therefore, without help from others or ideas on where to expand to, Outbreak will not grow as a community and therefore does not, at the moment, require discord...IMO.
  3. *Games Room 2. But I suppose it is better than going into a mix room and moving people in to prevent others joining ?
  4. @Quinn, Why you hef to be med its only a server. At the end of the day the better side won due to majority, trying to argue otherwise is just showing your salt more more. Good Day ?
  5. Toby.

    Away Thread

    Away on holiday till the 10th ?
  6. Overwatch Customs? Also mafia would be fun :)
  7. Highly recommend Dying light, fun and time wasting game that has, in my opinion, a lot of funny elements. Also wanna check this out if anyone wants to.
  8. fuck im late, well happy birthday lil_conor
  9. Left 4 Dead 2 free to play for 2 days and also only £1.79. Wouldn't mind playing if anyone wants to, just for the nostalgia and revisiting old games. https://store.steampowered.com/app/550/Left_4_Dead_2/
  10. Toby.

    Away Thread

    Inactive on forums and ts during next week. Might be on here and there, depends on satisfaction with revision ?
  11. Oooo, thank you. Good game just way too expensive ?
  12. Toby.

    Classic WOW

    @SonyTwan Is Classic WoW a game that can be played with friends? Also, you said no more flying mounts, so does it take a long time to get around the world then? I feel it would be annoying if it takes ages to get from place to place.
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