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Why we don't say the n-word.

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So if you've been on OUTBREAK for a while, you have probably noticed that if you say or type the word [Censored] you'll get a serious punishment. And i want to bring this up because in the last two days I've been back from vacation i heard a few people say: But why is it offensive or immediate racism.

This might seem something that is overly clear and if you understand why it's okay but this is mostly for new people or people who question why it is banned.

So to start of with the definition of the n-word. It means:

Slang: Extremely Disparaging and Offensive.
a contemptuous term used to refer to a black person.
a contemptuous term used to refer to a member of any dark-skinned people.
Slang: Extremely Disparaging and Offensive. a contemptuous term used to refer to a person of any racial or ethnic origin regarded as contemptible, inferior, ignorant, etc.
a victim of prejudice similar to that suffered by black people; a person who is economically, politically, or socially disenfranchised.

So if you have read the above, you'll see that it in no way implies to: bro or friend, and if you scream or type it, everyone will see it. And if you're running an enormous server like this one, you can't yell or type words that immediately demean or discriminate a certain group of people. The word has quite a history and it may seem meaningless to you, but please think about the hundreds of others on the server.:)

I'm sorry if this has been posted before or if this is a too obvious of a post, but I just felt like clearing it out to a few people, and answering their questions.

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┃██ JE SUIS- █┃ 
┃█---- IDIOT ---█┃ 
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┃█ ur adopted. █┃ 
┃█ -Mom&Dad █┃ 
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┃~u got autism.█┃ 
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┃~u r GAY ████┃ 
┃██gro up████┃ 
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┃~u got autism.█┃ 
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┃~u got aids   .█┃ 
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┃~<MR 305.███┃ 
┃MR MIAMI███┃ 
┃MR GON████┃ 
┃TAKE UR████┃ 
┃   ○    ┃ 

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